Mailing Lists |
Welcome! Below is a listing of all the public mailing lists on Click on a list name to get more information about the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change the preferences on your subscription. To visit the general information page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended. List administrators, you can visit the list admin overview page to find the management interface for your list. If you are having trouble using the lists, please contact |
List | Description |
Acmrlist.rechten | [no description available] |
Admin.hewsti | [no description available] |
Ai-intro-help.beta | Mailing list for the Introduction to AI course |
All-discoverylab.cs | [no description available] |
Allpartners.music360-beta | [no description available] |
Alumnibiosb.few | Alumni of the master Bioinformatics and Systems |
Amlp.few | Quantum Metrology and Laser Applicatons |
Archeozoologie.fgw | archeozoölogie |
Athena.coaching.lecturers.researcher.beta | [no description available] |
Bama.few | [no description available] |
bblab-users-med | Users of VU Brain & Behaviour Lab (MF-building) |
Bd-ixa-go | BD |
BeyondTheEdge.beta | Public mailing list for the MSCA-DN BeyondTheEdge |
Bf-plus.few | Biophysics of Photosynthese / Energy |
Bf-var.few | [no description available] |
Bfmb-group.few | Biophotonics and Medical Imaging |
Bio-jobs.few | [no description available] |
Biographyned.few | [no description available] |
Biosb-interns.few | [no description available] |
Bmre.few | Onderwijsstaf BMRE |
Bpmroundtable.few | Mailing list for the BPM Round Table. See for more information. |
Brainscapes.beta | [no description available] |
Businesscontrol.beta | [no description available] |
Chern.fsw | CHERN’s Mailman is a members’ platform for information and knowledge sharing |
Ci.few | Mailing list for the VU Computational Intelligence |
Cliopatria.few | The ClioPatria semantic search web-server |
Cns.few | [no description available] |
Commit-vu.few | [no description available] |
Communication.music360-beta | [no description available] |
Comporg.beta | [no description available] |
Controcurator-all.few | ControCurator |
Crowd-watson-all.few | Watson Crowdsourcing Project (ALL) |
Das-account.beta | [no description available] |
Das4-users.few | [no description available] |
Das5-users.few | [no description available] |
Dhminor.few | [no description available] |
Digitalhumanities.few | [no description available] |
Docenten-HS.Beta | Docenten HS 2018-2019 |
Docteam-ai.few | Docententeam AI opleiding |
Docteam-jaar1.few | Docententeam Bachelor |
Docteam-jaar2-3.few | Docententeam jaar 2+3 |
Docteam-master-ai.few | Docententeam AI Master-opleiding |
Docteam-master-biosb.beta | [no description available] |
Docteam-master-is-vu.few | [no description available] |
Docteam-master-is.few | Docententeam IS Master-opleiding |
Docteam-master.few | Docententeam Master-opleiding |
EURIDICE.beta | project |
EuromixProject.rch | [no description available] |
Fabdlo.uc-it | [no description available] | | [no description available] | | [no description available] | | [no description available] |
Fls-group.few | Physics of Living Systems |
Fls-worm.few | [no description available] |
Forumyoungscientists.Beta | [no description available] |
fsr.beta | [no description available] |
Hci-org.few | [no description available] |
ibayesclub.beta | [no description available] |
icmns-beta | The mailing list of the International Conference on Mathematical Neuroscience (ICMNS) |
IDI.Sociology.FSW | IDI group mailing list |
Ih2lsmembers.beta | [no description available] |
Ih2lsstaf.beta | [no description available] |
Im4ca-wp1.beta | [no description available] |
Im4ca-wp2.beta | [no description available] |
Im4ca-wp3.beta | [no description available] |
Im4ca-wp4.beta | [no description available] |
Im4ca-wp5.beta | [no description available] |
Im4ca-wp6.beta | [no description available] |
Im4ca-wp7.beta | [no description available] |
Im4ca.all.beta | [no description available] |
Im4ca.coord.beta | [no description available] |
Im4ca.partnerpi.beta | [no description available] |
Im4ca.wpleaders.beta | [no description available] |
Int-bachelor-cs.few | [no description available] |
Intertain.few | [no description available] |
Jfdb-group-l | Johannes de Boer - group |
Jongkees-group.beta | Jongkees group |
Krr.few | [no description available] |
Leapfrog.few | [no description available] |
Learn-vumc.fgb | [no description available] |
Leden.vib | Leden van de V.I.B. |
Leiderschap.beta | Beta Leiderschapsnetwerk |
Maestrograph.few | Maestrograph Project @ KRR group |
Master-bio-plus.few | master bioinformatics and systems biology mailing list |
math-neuroscience.beta | [no description available] |
Matzlab.beta | [no description available] |
Medewerkers-gasten-informatica.beta | [no description available] | | [no description available] |
Mt-inf.few | [no description available] |
Mt-nsm.few | [no description available] |
Mzk.kam.kliniek-acta | [no description available] |
Nataio.few | Promovendi van Natuur- en Sterrenkunde |
Network.dutch.discourse.on.race | [no description available] |
Networkinstitute-list.few | Mailing list for NI Academy |
Networkinstitute.few | Mailing list for NI Academy |
Neurosciences.master | [no description available] |
Newsletter.list.ivm | [no description available] |
NfC | National fNIRS Consortium (NfC) |
Nlbbug | Maillijst van de Nederlandstalige Blackboard Usergroup (NLBBUG) |
Npd-plus.few | Natuurkunde Practicum en Didactiek |
Nvc.cyber.divisie.criminologie | [no description available] |
Nwo-gravitation.beta | [no description available] |
nwo_dlaas.beta | [no description available] |
Ocimm.few | [no description available] |
Ocinf.few | [no description available] |
ocli.few | Programme Committee BSc / MSc AI |
olc-bsc.cs | [no description available] |
OLCBioSB.few | Education Committee (OLC) of VU-UvA MSc Bioinf-S |
onderwijs.coordinatoren.beta | [no description available] |
oneworlddynamics.beta | One World Dynamics |
Onwar-phd | ONWAR PhD Mailing List |
Opleidingsdirecteuren.beta | [no description available] |
ow-inf-mgt.few | [no description available] |
ow-inf.few | [no description available] |
Pcm.beta | PhotoConversion Materials |
Pdud-inf.few | [no description available] |
Pkvu-nieuw-list | [no description available] |
postdocs.beta | [no description available] |
Ppe-events-sbe | Info and Updates on PPE events |
Qmla-staff.beta | [no description available] |
Ramanmicroscope.beta | [no description available] |
Rdm-experts-network.ub | VU RDM Support |
Research.hewsti | [no description available] |
Rfidsecuritylist.few | RFID Security and Privacy Mailing List |
Saf-plus.few | (Astro-) Particle Physics |
Sec.few | [no description available] |
Sectiesb.rechten | [no description available] |
Segdcohort1 | [no description available] |
Sen-Staf-LaserCentrum.few | Scientific Staff LaserLaB |
Senior-staff-physics-and-astronomy | Staff HL, UHD, UD |
sgs.beta | Science in the Global South |
Staf-LaserCentrum.few | Members LaserLaB |
Stakehoresearch.hewsti | [no description available] |
Statcosmo.beta | [no description available] |
Studieadviseurs.beta | [no description available] |
studieverenigingen.beta | [no description available] |
Sw-meetings.few | [no description available] |
sw.few | Social Web Course Staff email list |
Syngo.beta | [no description available] |
Syspapers-announce.few | [no description available] |
Sysprog.few | Sysprog mailing-list |
Temps.few | Postdoc's Physics and Astronomy |
Topology.beta | Geometry and topology |
vakwerkgroep-inf.few | [no description available] |
Veiligheidsoverleg.beta | [no description available] | | Viveon distributiegroep |
Vu-bar.few | VUBAR CTF Team |
vu-ntl | [no description available] |
Vu_ai_health_earlycareer | [no description available] |
VU_AI_Health_updates | [no description available] |
Vwp.nat.few | Messages of concern to tenured staff only (Vaste Wetenschappelijke Staf) |
W4ra.few | [no description available] |
Wai-meetings.few | [no description available] |
Wai-organization.few | [no description available] |
Watson-education-all.few | Watson Education |
Watson-education.few | Watson Education |
Wm-projects.few | [no description available] |
Wpleaders.music360-beta | [no description available] |
Zorro-wp2.beta | Zorro WP2 |
Zwaartekracht.few | Zwaartekracht consortium |
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