mailing lists - Admin Links


Below is the collection of publicly-advertised Mailman mailing lists on Click on a list name to visit the configuration pages for that list.To visit the administrators configuration page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended. If you have the proper authority, you can also create a new mailing list.

General list information can be found at the mailing list overview page.

(Send questions and comments to

List Description
Acmrlist.rechten [no description available]
Admin.hewsti [no description available]
Ai-intro-help.beta Mailing list for the Introduction to AI course
All-discoverylab.cs [no description available]
Allpartners.music360-beta [no description available]
Alumnibiosb.few Alumni of the master Bioinformatics and Systems
Amlp.few Quantum Metrology and Laser Applicatons
Archeozoologie.fgw archeozoölogie
Athena.coaching.lecturers.researcher.beta [no description available]
Bama.few [no description available]
bblab-users-med Users of VU Brain & Behaviour Lab (MF-building)
Bd-ixa-go BD
BeyondTheEdge.beta Public mailing list for the MSCA-DN BeyondTheEdge
Bf-plus.few Biophysics of Photosynthese / Energy
Bf-var.few [no description available]
Bfmb-group.few Biophotonics and Medical Imaging
Bio-jobs.few [no description available]
Bio-plus.few [no description available]
Biographyned.few [no description available]
Biosb-interns.few [no description available]
Bmre.few Onderwijsstaf BMRE
Bpmroundtable.few Mailing list for the BPM Round Table. See for more information.
Brainscapes.beta [no description available]
Businesscontrol.beta [no description available]
Ci.few Mailing list for the VU Computational Intelligence
Cliopatria.few The ClioPatria semantic search web-server
Cns.few [no description available]
Commit-vu.few [no description available]
Communication.music360-beta [no description available]
Comporg.beta [no description available]
Controcurator-all.few ControCurator
Crowd-watson-all.few Watson Crowdsourcing Project (ALL)
Das-account.beta [no description available]
Das4-users.few [no description available]
Das5-users.few [no description available]
Dhminor.few [no description available]
Digitalhumanities.few [no description available]
Docenten-HS.Beta Docenten HS 2018-2019
Docteam-ai.few Docententeam AI opleiding
Docteam-jaar1.few Docententeam Bachelor
Docteam-jaar2-3.few Docententeam jaar 2+3
Docteam-master-ai.few Docententeam AI Master-opleiding
Docteam-master-biosb.beta [no description available]
Docteam-master-is-vu.few [no description available]
Docteam-master-is.few Docententeam IS Master-opleiding
Docteam-master.few Docententeam Master-opleiding
EURIDICE.beta project
EuromixProject.rch [no description available]
Fabdlo.uc-it [no description available] [no description available] [no description available] [no description available]
Fls-group.few Physics of Living Systems
Fls-worm.few [no description available]
Forumyoungscientists.Beta [no description available]
fsr.beta [no description available]
Hci-org.few [no description available]
ibayesclub.beta [no description available]
icmns-beta The mailing list of the International Conference on Mathematical Neuroscience (ICMNS)
Ih2lsmembers.beta [no description available]
Ih2lsstaf.beta [no description available]
Int-bachelor-cs.few [no description available]
Intertain.few [no description available]
Jfdb-group-l Johannes de Boer - group
Jongkees-group.beta Jongkees group
Krr.few [no description available]
Leapfrog.few [no description available]
Learn-vumc.fgb [no description available]
Leden.vib Leden van de V.I.B.
Leiderschap.beta Beta Leiderschapsnetwerk
Maestrograph.few Maestrograph Project @ KRR group
Master-bio-plus.few master bioinformatics and systems biology mailing list
math-neuroscience.beta [no description available]
Matzlab.beta [no description available]
Medewerkers-gasten-informatica.beta [no description available] [no description available]
Mt-inf.few [no description available]
Mt-nsm.few [no description available]
Mzk.kam.kliniek-acta [no description available]
Nataio.few Promovendi van Natuur- en Sterrenkunde
Network.dutch.discourse.on.race [no description available]
Networkinstitute-list.few Mailing list for NI Academy
Networkinstitute.few Mailing list for NI Academy
Neurosciences.master [no description available]
Newsletter.list.ivm [no description available]
NfC National fNIRS Consortium (NfC)
Nlbbug Maillijst van de Nederlandstalige Blackboard Usergroup (NLBBUG)
Npd-plus.few Natuurkunde Practicum en Didactiek
Nvc.cyber.divisie.criminologie [no description available]
nwo_dlaas.beta [no description available]
Ocimm.few [no description available]
Ocinf.few [no description available]
ocli.few Programme Committee BSc / MSc AI
olc-bsc.cs [no description available]
OLCBioSB.few Education Committee (OLC) of VU-UvA MSc Bioinf-S
onderwijs.coordinatoren.beta [no description available]
oneworlddynamics.beta One World Dynamics
Onwar-phd ONWAR PhD Mailing List
Opleidingsdirecteuren.beta [no description available]
ow-inf-mgt.few [no description available]
ow-inf.few [no description available]
Pcm.beta PhotoConversion Materials
Pdud-inf.few [no description available]
Pkvu-nieuw-list [no description available]
Ppe-events-sbe Info and Updates on PPE events
Qmla-staff.beta [no description available]
Ramanmicroscope.beta [no description available]
Rdm-experts-network.ub VU RDM Support
Research.hewsti [no description available]
Rfidsecuritylist.few RFID Security and Privacy Mailing List
Saf-plus.few (Astro-) Particle Physics
Sec.few [no description available]
Sectiesb.rechten [no description available]
Segdcohort1 [no description available]
Sen-Staf-LaserCentrum.few Scientific Staff LaserLaB
Senior-staff-physics-and-astronomy Staff HL, UHD, UD
sgs.beta Science in the Global South
Staf-LaserCentrum.few Members LaserLaB
Stakehoresearch.hewsti [no description available]
Statcosmo.beta [no description available]
Studieadviseurs.beta [no description available]
studieverenigingen.beta [no description available]
Sw-meetings.few [no description available]
sw.few Social Web Course Staff email list
Syngo.beta [no description available]
Syspapers-announce.few [no description available]
Sysprog.few Sysprog mailing-list
Temps.few Postdoc's Physics and Astronomy
Topology.beta Geometry and topology
vakwerkgroep-inf.few [no description available]
Veiligheidsoverleg.beta [no description available] [no description available]
Vu-bar.few VUBAR CTF Team
vu-ntl [no description available]
Vu.hoofden.onderwijsondersteuning [no description available]
Vu_ai_health_earlycareer [no description available]
VU_AI_Health_updates [no description available]
Vwp.nat.few Messages of concern to tenured staff only (Vaste Wetenschappelijke Staf)
W4ra.few [no description available]
Wai-meetings.few [no description available]
Wai-organization.few [no description available]
Watson-education-all.few Watson Education
Watson-education.few Watson Education
Wm-projects.few [no description available]
Wpleaders.music360-beta [no description available]
wt.few Web Technology CS1 course staff list
Zorro-wp2.beta Zorro WP2
Zwaartekracht.few Zwaartekracht consortium

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